Monday, October 31, 2011

Super power

I chose the super power to be in two places at once. A lot of time instead of going to class, there are a lot more things I want to be doing. With the super power of having the ability to be in two places at once allows me to be present in class and learn, and also sleep. Another reason why I would want to be in two places at once would be when I'm working, I would rather be hanging out with my friends or getting other things done. This super power would be awesome to have. I thought for a long time what I would want to be, and this was in my top 3 list. The only thing I would change about my project is to express more how I could be in two places at once.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I chose adding Let's go Bucks to the Ohio State Stadium. I chose adding this to show more support for our Ohio State Buckeye football team. I am a huge fan of the Bucks, and this is my way of showing my support. I added a text box and use an italic font to make it look a little fancy. I want people to look at this and gain more support when being at this stadium and cheering on the Buckeyes!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Micro Assignment 1

1) My MacBook: I chose this because my laptop has so much of my life on it. It has all of my pictures over the past 8 years, music, and internet connection. It is my source to get information, do homework, and projects.
Reliable; Communicator

2) My iPod: I chose this because I love music. Music helps me calm my nerves, and inspires me to listen to the lyrics people are singing about. Music can change my mood from good to bad, and especially helps me while working out.

3) My camera: I chose this item because my camera is a very important item to me. I love taking pictures with my friends and of random things that I find interesting. I carry it around with me for when I see something interesting I can pull it out instantaneously and have that picture forever.
Captures memories

4) My iPhone: I chose my phone because I love talking to my friends. Not only does my phone have texting, but it also has internet, a camera, and map quest. It comes in handy for a lot of different reasons and it never leaves my side.
Connection; Communicator

5) My Pandora bracelet: I chose this item because my bracelet is very important to me. I received it from my grandma for one of my graduation presents, and it symbolizes growing up and moving on from a very big part in my life. It holds a lot of meaning and I love to wear it around.
Growing up

6) My bed: I chose this item because my bed is very comfortable. I love after a long day of work or class laying in bed.
Relaxing; Comfortable

7) My car: I chose this item because it is a vehicle that gets me to and from places. It allows me to get places in a faster manner. It also protects me from bad weather.

8) My North face: I chose this item because it is a jacket that keeps me warm. It has a nice hood and a wind protector on it that keep me from getting wet. It gives me protection from bad weather.

9) My sunglasses: I chose this item because I use my sunglasses when it is sunny. I use them to protect my eyes and making it easier to see things.

10) My dog: I chose my dog because she is very special to me.

Walking to class

On the first day of classes at the Ohio State University, I had a lot of mixed emotions with finding my class, being on time, and timing my walk perfectly. I brought a map with me to help my find my way, although campus is still pretty confusing. I walked from my house on Summit to the Ohio State Stadium. I used the map to figure out what buildings I would be passing and what path I should be taking. Every morning I have to make sure I have enough time to walk from my house to class. I usually take the same route, I walk on high street and then make a left right before lane. I sometimes walk with the same people, and pass the same buildings. On my first day I was a little worried about not being able to find my way around the stadium, but the signs that you put up on the doors helped a lot!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Alexis Rockman

Elizabeth Flaugher
9:30:11:18 am
Alexis Rockman
            The Evolution painting by Alexis Rockman in 1992, was a piece of artwork that caught my eye as soon as I walked into one of her exhibit rooms. This artwork is very colorful, and has a lot of unique animals included in it which is the denotation. It  is an artwork within a marsh like area, where a mix of dinosaur and pre-historic animals are in this swamp along with animals. Another thing to note was a volcano in the background with smoke coming out of the top of it, looking like it’s polluting the air. Alexis Rockman has a dark side to this painting. The swamp has oil sitting on the top of it and the animals are swimming above and below the water.
            The Evolution artwork was made with paint. Alexis mixed a lot of crazy colors together to attract her viewers. In my opinion, this painting was made to express the harm that the world is doing to our animals and wild life due to pollution. The connotation is Alexis is trying to stress pollution is going on in the world around us more and more each day. The artist is expressing that with showing the oil in the water, and the smoke in the air. I really liked this painting of Alexis the most of all her artworks.